Sunday 31 March 2013

Well hello there...

Welcome to Pink Milk!
This is my first ever post on my first ever blog - très excitant, non?
My blog is fairly random but with a focus on vintage-ness and arty-ness.

Are you sitting comfortably, then let's begin.


 My beautiful younger sister made me this Easter card. I love the use of felt and the Easter bunny is just too cute! My sister is so sweet, she made Easter cards for everyone, and what did I do? 
Nothing. oops.

This is what is left of my Easter egg.  It only took my about 10 minutes to eat one half. That's the problem with chocolate; it never lasts long enough.

I am planning on making something with my mother using this lovely thing:

I will update later on my making-ness and sewing machine troubles  wonders! It belongs to my mum (hi!) so I suppose we will have to share...

I must go now and steal borrow the sewing machine so until then, 

Happy Easter and eat lots of chocolate!

Au revoir!


  1. I love your blog and I really enjoy reading it! you have a good sense of fashion.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you like it :)
    Please check out my new post, to find out how to make friendship bracelets!
    TTFN xx
